
-heart palpitations-

I knew someone would say it. Thank you jalopnik commentariat.

Hey hey, get that serious shit out of here. What do we look like, Consumer Reports?


goes to court, and guess what, all the jurors are Texan too. Boom.

...before it explodes in your face?

Sudden onset pants-tightening survivor right here.

everyone starts somewhere. I'd certainly appreciate a technical readout of all the parts and a walk through on how to replace or mend them. There's some crazy shit under the hoods of some our cars. And besides, think of the educational aspect. Fire up your hud and boom, instant mechanical college courses right there

More like The Xx amirite?

I don't think I've been more excited for a write-up in my life. Godspeed (hellspeed?) Patrick.

*As seen on Foxtrot Alpha

"Not many of those left, even in our vaults."

There's so many awesome taco trucks in the HTX megaplex and you went to Torchy's? Shame man, shame. (Try tracking down Reign's some time, crazy delish tacos brah.)

God damn you're telling me.

"We've run into rocks, sir!"

RWB anyone?

Absolutely waiting in the wings for that. I've been on the outside looking in when it comes to DA for the entirety of the IP, but I've been in love with the style and the lore. Anything helps when it comes to vidja geopolitics.