
This is exactly my point. It appears to be impossible for most people to actually discuss breast-feeding in any sort of respectful voice. You all just freak the fuck out and those people who may be uncomfortable will never understand. When instead, you could not be such a jerk about and say the exact same things you

I have nothing whatsoever against breast-feeding. At all. Period. You don't have to "hear me out" because I have nothing to say about it personally. I'm trying to point out that almost everyone I know is slightly uncomfortable about it only needs some explanation before considering that their fear or whatever is

I don't want to ban public breast-feeding. Obviously you didn't read my other comments, but I personally have nothing whatsoever against it. I literally feel exactly the same way as you do, so please stop telling me there's "no hope for me."

Not on my end it didn't.

I do, every day. :)

It just happened to you. You just did it. Don't you see that?

Actually, this is a great article about what to expect during labor - both physically and emotionally - and it's written in a completely non-condescending, non-patronizing voice. It's not even "advice" really - just a commentary on what many women go through.

I don't think that's irrational...I think your anxiety and the reasons behind it are pretty understandable. I mean, giving birth is extremely painful and a crazy ride. You're literally pushing a human being that you made out of your body. That's...pretty incredible, and incredibly scary. I think your husband will

Wow. I am also adopted, and I feel exactly the same way about my mom and my bio mom (who I've never met). That's crazy...I could've typed that exact paragraph about how I feel being adopted. So happy for you! I feel lucky to have ended up in the family I did.

It doesn't offend me; I'm just trying to understand why so many people find it offensive. I assume it has to do with the intimacy.

My god, these comments are so hate-filled, defensive, and vitriolic. It's like I accidentally fell into some dimension where 4chan is full of extremely pissed breast-feeding mothers. Listen to the way you're talking to people who are nicely saying it makes them uncomfortable.

Thank you for being one of the few commenters on this thread that isn't incredibly condescending and bitchy in your response.

How is that different? Really? Drinking out of a cup isn't an incredibly intimate, bonding experience.

I really, really don't think it's about the milk for the people who don't like to see it in public. I don't even think most people consider breast milk might...explode in their direction (I have never heard anyone say something like that.) I think most people who are uncomfortable about it feel that something very,

No one takes part of their shirt off for a sippy cup.

I do believe this is the best comment I've ever read on a Jezebel article. Probably because I feel the exact same way about childbirth and I am so relieved I am not pregnant, especially with twins, but mostly because the Kool Aid man and the poopy chainsaw massacre. I can't stop laughing!

OK, people like that infuriate me. The condescending, "Oh, you wouldn't understand this, that, and everything about life if you've never been pregnant," etc. Whenever I get that, I think to myself, "And you wouldn't understand what it's like to be in your 30s and have 4 times the disposable income, much more free

I'm pretty terrified of giving birth as well. I have two step-sons who I love dearly, I'm 33, and if I want to have kids I have to make a decision soon. I'm not sure what I want, but I know that I do not want to be pregnant. Basically, I know how you feel. Listen: You have to talk to your husband about this. This is a

Red raspberry diet Rite? I missed that particular flavor...and I think I'm glad about that.

Um...did you try clicking it? Cause a video played when I clicked it.