
All the ultrabooks, tablets and other computers not mentioned in this video will shout: "Hey guys ... WTF ?!?!?"

dilithium crystals anyone ?

you mean a combination of alluvial dampers and horizontal boosters ???

Sorry, still not impressed until they made these .... ENHANCE !!

You mean this one ?

I think I can take the 'tube food', but the 12 hours without going to the can is too much to handle for me

+1 and agree with you. He just got lucky that the spring didn't bonk his head clean off

Looking at the picture, this seems like a stupid way of doing things. When dissembling a strut, a spring compressor is needed to prevent the spring 'shooting out' when released from the strut assembly.

This only works if you had a good day. Otherwise you keep remembering what you should and shouldn't do and will drive you crazy all night long


I felt the same way with Challenger in '86


Seriously you need to re-check that statement. The numbers on the sidewalls are for maximum pressure the tire can handle, not what you should put on daily basis. Personally usually inflate up to 32 psi cold or 34 psi hot. Above that, the ride will be too bumpy and uncomfortable; how uncomfortable? well it's like being

he is seeing this

Good find !

I'm reading the title "Swimsuit Model Jess Barton’s Stripped ..." and I am lost after that

+1 . This is called smart investing ... nope, correction: just being smart

Hmm ... interesting

Whaaa ??!?? Why nobody even bother to endorse me?