
I will bet that Tom will agree

This is wrong ! They should PAY us to compensate dizziness and reduced eyesight from watching 3d movies

Straight forward advice : "GET TO WORK AND STOP READING THESE BLOG SITES !!!"

The idea of charging us with hefty price tag on ink cartridges sucked big time. To know that you can buy a new printer every 2 cartridges replacements makes us feel that we were just kicked in the nuts

I hope they make an "Android emulator" app someday

I keep a detailed collection of places in Google maps so that I can look it up while driving to new places. Unfortunately, I've been unable to do this in iOS apps except using the google maps mobile site (which is less than practical). anybody has any idea ?

"sperm death" ... hmmm new means of contraception ?

Now playing

Sword fights and saber fights are overrated. This is what should have been done !

Now playing

Aww man ! More people taking videos in portrait mode. I mean ... WTF ?!?!?

That comment is FTW !

"Impressive ... most impressive"

Will that be the New Ipad 2XL ? acck.. I forgot the new apple naming rules

Now playing

Despite being a women beater and all that shit, I like this song and the video of course

If you watch the current video, it was so-so. Dub it with Jony Ive's voice and his British accent, now that will look (and sounds) cool !

Mine's better and sexier !

you beat me to it !

Hmm iPad 3DD or 3DDD will probably be more appealing.

Making sure the copilot is going through his checklist

Yep, they are surely coming !