
This and your piece about going to the Adult Entertainment Expo were delightful—not usually a word I associate with porn-related things. Please convince the Jezebel overlords to send you to more of these things!

I know—if only I had known all I needed was a daily injection of vitamin penis, all of my problems would be solved!!

But not until they stole all of your dreams, first!

Right? Because one would assume these people spent many hundreds of dollars, what with travel and hotel costs, to be there and not go in with the primary goal of insulting someone. And that's what they do when they see these performers in person? Why are people so...blerg.

This is worst/most crass kind of emotionally manipulative brand awareness commercial I think I've ever seen them make.

And this one time, she deigns to ask him if he will livetweet during an episode of his show!!! That bitch.

HTGAWM is so good at making me want to dump it but pulling something just insane or boss enough (like Annalise sitting at her desk staring at dead Sam) for me to tune in the next week. I have a different-yet-similar viewing relationship with Scandal, but my baseline liking of Scandal is much higher. I keep watching to

This show is good at keeping me juuuuuuuust interested enough to tune in for the next episode. While the actual killing of Sam was very meh and predictable in it's accidental/heat-of-the-moment quality, the later reveal of Annalise chilling at her desk like a boss when Wes comes back for the statue was terrific.

I generally don't go for procedural, crisis/crime of the week style dramas, but with this one, the crisis of the week involving the Syrian official was the sole redeeming quality of the pilot. All of the backstory they stuffed in this was either boring or ridiculous, and ridiculous mostly because of the clunky

So much this. My sister-in-law is one of these types.

I'm sure the intent of the performers in question has a lot to do with it. I think the main difference is that Iggy Azalea wants to be taken seriously, whereas Riff Raff does not—or at least not in the same way. But then again, reading this thing reminded me how painfully unhip and not with it I am, and that I am in

THIS. Many places are geared toward an adult crowd, but IDGAF about people bring their babies and small children places like these as long as I'm not asked to "please think of the children!" I don't go to places explicitly geared toward kids or families with small children and complain about the volume or the tantrums

I really dug that lady, for those two episodes we got to see her. But yeah, she's waaaay to normal and functional for someone like Quinn on a a show like Homeland.

No substance whatsoever, but: Walker can go eat a bag of dicks. Seriously. So can the governor running for re-election in my state, OH. Kasich can join Walker in eating that bag of dicks. And it looks like Kasich is going to cruise to an easy win since his Democratic opponent, Fitzgerald, really crapped the bed

YES. Both of these can go eat so many bags of dicks!

Agnostic/lapsed Catholic here. Nope, no Rapture—THANKFULLY. Of all the things that fucked me up in one way or another through 13 years of Catholic schooling and 16 years of mandatory church, Rapture was not one of them.

See, now THIS is the kind of celebrity fanfic I wanna see in the tabloids.

As a product of Catholic schools (K-12), I wonder this too. I got an overall great education out of it, but by the end I was not buying into the any of the Church aspects At All. Even my really Catholic relatives who still go to church on the reg. and observe Lent and all that are all pretty permissive compared to

I'm being utterly serious when I say this is why humans developed written language.

Yes, I heard the same point on The Diane Rhem Show this morning. One of the panelists talked about how video footage of POC in these situations of outsized police violence/brutality is scrutinized millisecond by millisecond by the public and law enforcement to try to find any sort of justification for it and say