
A proud owner of a 944 that is falling apart and can’t afford to fix it. It’s currently sat in my garage unloved :( I need to find a better job/work harder. And no, selling this beauty is not an option. I would rather go bankrupt first.

What’s even more funny is, there is a 9 month wait for a Mustang in the UK. First time they release a RHD car, it sells like hot pancakes. Well, Ford should have started in 1973 to be honest.

title is very misleading. image in my head was “didn’t they say they build these things in sealed labs?” it took a second for my brain to register that it must be a demo. and it was.

Only thing I know in this universe where additional weight makes it look sexier.

they did not have to alter the appearance. It looks shit now. And 5bhp increase? A stage 1 mod gives more than 5hp and doing it on a second hand 86 will cost less. I have no idea what the Toyota guys are thinking???

Is it only me but I do like the look of the 944 facelift more? The only thing missing was a V8.

Upon hearing the comments, the Model X took matter into its own hands.

As a brit, I have warned the rest of the world how much Mr. Chris (Never-has-been) Evans is a, how do I politely say it, C*nt? He is the rotten egg in that otherwise interesting line-up. He should never have been hired.

Still would prefer a CX-75. Now that car is sexy. The DB10 just doesn’t make me go ugnnhhh... it makes me meh.

Looks like the moment he hit that piece of shit cracked section, he had a blowout.

Funds are not the biggest issue actually. The third party support is required by law to keep an aircraft air worthy. It just so happen that the three companies keeping it in the air have decided to halt support to this amazing aircraft. Sad times.

they all have a red lever for the canopy eject (the ones I flew anyway). But then again you have to actually find the time to unlock yourself and jump off, by that time, you’d probably hit the ground already :D

Man. They need to do something about those headlights!

As a Brit all I can say is I have stopped listening to BBC Radio 2 ever since he’s been on it. To this day I still refuse to tune in just in case I get to hear this person who is too far into his own arse.

Damn. This car looks good in white!

Porsche 944 Turbo

These guys need to go drive in a simulation first at least before attempting to do this in real life. That or go on an empty track day.

That’s why I want this guys ass beat so bad come May. Come on Pacquiao!

Money certainly can’t buy happiness.

I need to go back to gliding. But yep, I did a few static line jumps just to get the hang of pulling a dead cord to release a parachute. I always thought it was a necessary skill if I was to continue gliding as you never really are programmed how to pull a cord on your chute after abandoning aircraft. But then again,