
Many of the musicians I admire refuse to be drawn into discussions about the precise meaning of their lyrics, choosing for the listeners to decide for themselves. I like art that doesn't spoon feed me and give me everything on a platter. While you might call it lazy, or accuse the creator of not knowing what's going

Whatever happened, it allowed Barnes & Noble to compete in the ebooks space. I think that's a huge win: we need more than just Apple and Amazon duking it out for content supremacy.

I love how the average ill-informed dick hole rants about Jews and liberals in the same sentence.

ICS is still on 7.1% of Android devices per Google's own figures, and it has taken months to reach that point. If it's on even 50% of devices by the time iOS 6 is out, I'll be shocked.

Someone will probably release a program to handle it. Much like the program that forced the smart GPU switching to stick with integrated or discrete rather than switching.

So I'll be able to manipulate stuff and use the iPad as a secondary controller? BADASS AS HELL.

I got the impression most of the cool stuff (game interaction, maps from Games Of Thrones, etc) would be limited to Windows Phone and Windows 8 devices.

Siri added natural language comprehension, which is why she can understand different ways of asking her the same question. This goes beyond the simple voice commands of other operating systems, and everyone knows it, which is why added an AI layer is the approach being taken now with rival products like S-Voice.

Skylanders was a success I just didn't see coming. With or without NFC toys, I really do hope Nintendo have a high definition, deep Pokémon-based RPG on the horizon for the Wii U. It would increase my desire to buy one massively.

You don't perhaps think that your being of the age where you remember a "back in the day" is the problem? I know "back in the day", I had all the free time in the world - school wasn't much of a drain on my time and energy, so I could play video games and hang out with friends whenever.

You don't think they were chosen to work on it based on their previous work? It does have some bearing - just not as much as I suggested (and you rightly refuted).

This might succeed where Army Corps Of Hell failed - it was a great, Pikminish concept but ultimately felt too linear and combat-heavy.

Batman: Arkham City wasn't a fighting game created by the creators of one of, if not the, most brutal game series of all time.

Gears Of War 1, Marcus Fenix starts off in a jail cell. It is very clearly him in the shackles on the cover.

You mean we're getting ANOTHER DC fighting game from the makers of Mortal Kombat. Mortal Kombat Vs DC Universe may have been a bit naff, but it fit the bill nonetheless.

Artistic decisions != engine capabilities. I mean, if every single game on this list had the same chunky dudes with guns, I'd see your point: [en.wikipedia.org]

Eternal Darkness looked to Resident Evil for control inspiration, and as such its suckage was to be expected. I realise I am the only person who hates how the Resident Evil games control (I CAN WALK AND SWING A KNIFE IN REAL LIFE, WHY NOT IN THIS GAME?!).

If so many people are playing games on Xbox 360s and PlayStation 3s, how come I never see it?

Why do people say they are Googling when they perform an Internet search? Why do they say they're going to Tivo a show? Why do they say they are going to put a Band Aid over a problem? It's just how language works. "I'm on my iPhone!" is actually better than the examples I gave as it hasn't been genericised.