
@MauricioHavok: Orientation lock vs mute will probably be fixed, it may be something that got overlooked in the initial merge. Failing that, be nice if there was an option to set it to what you want.

@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: Others have raised concerns about your ability to move apps your purchase on one phone on Verizon to another Android phone, either on Verizon or another carrier. That's a very legitimate question, and I fear the answer is far from "open".

"might of", "should of", "would of", et cetera. I want to punch babies when I see those.

Epic Citadel is not the engine, Unreal is the engine.

The only way a phone will kill my iPod is if one comes with at least 120GB of internal storage, or if someone introduces a viable cloud storage/streaming service.

@yogibimbi: Posting a comment sure looks like not caring. ;)

iTunes in the cloud has been on top of my wish list for some time. ZumoDrive need to be shown how to do it.

Some long shot ideas of my own...

@Ridley: Exactly what I was thinking.

@SKiTz: I thought my headphones were borked!

Gah, does anyone have this available to buy now?

Also included in their list of arguments...

@BeefSupreme: Extremely well played, sir. *hands you his business card*

I hear he's also living under a bridge and harassing any goats that cross it.

It's like Eric says: "If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place."

@Celtic1888: As much as I hate to be a cynic, the average music consumer is a babbling idiot so your fears will doubtless come to pass. :(

@lucasway89: I'm sure Donlphi meant data only 3G, like the iPad. You may not want to take out a whole new mobile phone plan just to get Internet access.

@diamonddisc89: Given that no Flash support means my battery lasts forever and I don't go over my initial bandwidth allocation, I think I'll stick with no Flash.

I have an iPad. I had no intention of getting one, but it was a gift. Now you would have to prise it out of my cold, dead hands.

I enjoyed using Windows '95 through Me, never had any significant problems with any of them. Until 7, I forced all later versions of Windows to look as much like '95 as possible.