And I thought the “real/original” Lenny was a guy? I would like Lenny and Jean/ice husband answers and or recaps of what exactly happened for all of those characters by the end of the show please.
Not only that, but the bf was arrested after being found in the shower with Syd after the body swap wore off. Syd also did nothing to help when he was taken by the cops. It is very hard to sympathize with her.
None of Legion sides is something to be picked. Switch should just run away far far away into the past or the future.
He’s a paranoid schizophrenic who is also a massive drug addict and possibly the most powerful creature on the planet.... yeah, under any “legal” definition, he’s not going to be able to form the intent necessary for the “crime” to be committed.
I have NEVER felt Syd. Tonight’s “You never saw me” is kind of infuriating considering the multiple times he went through her life during Chapter 12. Not saying they have the healthiest relationship, but he saw an awful lot of what made her her.
I feel sort of weird when Syd brings up manipulating people and then having sex against their autonomy when she did that to her mom and her mom’s boyfriend. She kept secrets from David too. Betrayed him too. But she is seen as a hero. I feel her “Me First” tattoo is odd since she has really been always for herself and…
I think the reason it is losing viewers because this season is just weird for weird’s sake. Last year the weirdness was explained by it all being in David (or the other’s) minds, so some surrealistic imagery made sense. This season seems to be veering into pretension. Robots who look like women but with mustaches, a…
But Syd’s statement of what David has done isn’t something you can muck about with, hemming and hawing over whether reality is being distorted. And it’s a disservice to the intensity of that choice—and the legitimacy of Syd’s assault—to fold it into the show’s usual “who can say what truth is?” philosophizing.
It was just an unrelated minotaur who happened to be in the area and thought he could offer his perspective on the matter at hand.
David had sex with his girlfriend after he removed the Shadow King’s mind control, not implanting his own thoughts. He loves her and was desperate to maintain their connection after she shot him. He went about it the wrong way, it’s a bit icky, but calling it rape or assault is wrong.
So, couple things...
Gambit will make him go all in on a bad hand?
That’s not what’s happening. He’s not going bad because he’s mentally ill. He’s going bad because all the people in his life who claim they love him have turned on him except Amy/Lenny.
I thank you for bringing up the fucking Minotaur because that was the most confusing thing of this entire confusing season.
Being insane didn’t make him evil, being betrayed by the people he loves made him crazy.
It’s very frustrating to see yet another villainous portrayal of mental illness.
I don’t have a problem with David being mentally ill, and I don’t have a problem with David being the villain. I do have a problem with David being the villain BECAUSE he’s mentally ill.
I’ve been hoping they would find a way to get Charles on the show. If Supergirl can have Superman completely separate from the DC movie continuity (Which, honestly, still surprises me) then Legion can easily do it with professor X.
We’ve seen 2 full seasons showing how crazy he is with split personalities and spontaneous thinking.
David’s turn into villainy is SO narratively unearned though, and has happened in the span of what, 2 episodes? Now I really want to rewatch Breaking Bad so I can remind myself what a good “descent into darkness” narrative looks like.