Father Jack

That was a funny and cool version of a real building in Stockholm. The globe.

why is that a problem?

I llllove it! Gorgeous art design... and that lighting, wonderful.

Adult complaining on how the little guy must finish his training and is not ready. *sigh*

yes, I know there are good reasons why the game is delayed. I know it's better to not show an unfinished product which may change drastically. I know and understand all those reasons. But still, every time I read about this game not being shown yet, I get so pissed!

you're forgetting the Internet backbone. That's where this technology will really be used.


My question when I read that was, "in which of the 300 languages is this greeting?"

the UK like the US has developed proper phone etiquette and answers with a polite hello?

reading this review, it doesn't sound like this was the documentary it thought it should be. No, I haven't seen it yet, but I already understand what it isn't, because what Narcisse was asking for, so was I. I seriously regret backing it with so much money. Oh well, once or twice you make a bad call. But I'm very

I would say that "racist" is taking it a little too far. I think this is comparable to when I hear americans joke about "inga from Sweden", while doing the most ridiculous imitation of a swedish accent I've ever heard. All nationalities have issues with pronouncing some language. It's just a matter of fact that

I don't see why Japan is so important. Last I saw some sales numbers, it looked like Japan was a drop in the ocean. I think for example MS should give up on japan. That "it's no success unless we're successful in japan" spiel they ran before was weird, in the light of even Playstation and Nintendo sales in Japan. Sony

Anyone who doesn't like this game clearly doesn't like freedom and justice for all and should be put to death.

I went though the tutorial, and right after I exclaimed "nope, too complex and not fun. I'm not doing this!" and erased the demo from my HDD. I'm not buying that game even if it's on sale.

why does it matter? To me they're pretty. I don't care how they do it.

would the xbox one benefit from the same hybrid Seagate SSHD which was recommended for PS4?

would the xbox one benefit from the same hybrid Seagate SSHD which was recommended for PS4?

Really disappointed by the lip sync. With the last couple of game which has had awesome lip sync, I have come to expect it. I've longed for good lip sync for so long and get so frustrated when the lovel in game models in Dragon Age start moving their mouths. The latest game i saw which had awesome lip sync was

the money wasn't refunded, they were never charged to begin with. :) this is not indiegogo.

Meh. PS2 graphics. Do not want.

Tiny tots can't read :P