
If anyone other than me uses Google Play Music, here’s another link (with a few other protest songs added in for good measure):

For all the greys, I know this will probably fall on deaf ears or be intentionally misunderstood, but there are those of us who think it is more patriotic to question and examine your country, that you can love something and still understant it can have serious flaws, and that we’re all in this together, so we should

“Well if you don’t like it then you can git out” is exactly the opposite sentiment that this country was founded on. Also there’s those pesky free speech, right to protest, and free press things. Thanks for playing tho.

I would say that about 95% of Bears fans are still pissed about it. So, I’m happy he’s not letting that shit go and I hope guys like Hicks and Mack use that anger to rip someone’s arms off and beat them with them in the fucking goddamn preseason. Who are you to discuss this, Samer. How dare you

Doesn’t really seem to be dead or slowing down at all

Rev. Pix Butt going down is a god damn crime against humanity.

By the only objective measure, it was a good shot. Everything else is the arcane art of what might have been.

Also, his support of Brienne is so pure. I will actually cry if he dies.


This is exactly why I’ve long worried that putting the most vulnerable women and children in the crypts of Winterfell, where they’ll be surrounded by the dead bodies of their loved ones like Ned Stark “to keep them safe,” miiiiight not be the greatest idea ever.


Why do you care? Are you selling games? You sound like a “Epic bro” to me for defending Epic with something that vast majority of consumers care nothing about. Why do you guys never talk about how great the store itself is? Oh, wait, you can’t because it’s barely a storefront as it is.

Storm Duck fans, the Internet loves us this day!

I know Myking Worboys barely made it into the bracket as a 16-seed, but I still hoped he’d put up a better fight against the Doctor. 

I thought the sky was the limit for Ms. Torres. But now I am positive, charges like this will polarize the field against her.

Fuck all of you if Toka Badboy does not pull this upset.

Storm Duck x Truman Peyote is a real Sophie’s Choice situation here...that being said, I’m ride or die with Storm Duck. Storm Duck 4 Lyfe. 

Anyone that voted for Truman Peyote over Storm Duck can go to Hell.

I am insanely curious how moving the voting to deadspin is going to change the outcome. I’m guessing more dick joke or pun related winners. And then the whole thing breaks around the elite eight.

I cannot explain why I feel this way, but Storm Duck is the most awesome fucking name in this region.