
This team has made nine first-round picks between 2011 and 2016, and with Coleman gone not a single one of those players is still on the roster.

Drafting is Hard-land.

Reminds me of me at that age!

While I can’t answer that, I can confirm it’s possible to not have that muscle development at all when you’re 41.

Parks and Rec, quite frankly, indulged Tom considerably more than it should have. But B99 starts challenging a lot of Jake’s character by about midway through first season. He drove me crazy in the early part of the show, but the series does a lot in successive seasons to put to the test his selfishness and

Nah P&R’s first season was a lot rougher than B99s. I enjoyed B99 from the get-go. Parks took until the Ron/Tammy episode in season 2 to completely reel me in. 

Nature guide here. Good list! Please allow me to underscore 2 things.

This is a great list that hits on all my hiking pet peeves! One thing I’d add is “stay on the trail, even if it’s muddy.” Walking around the mud widens the trail and causes erosion.

As a gentleman who weighs 224 pounds and has only ever been “not really fat” AT BEST in his life, I say unto you: fuck off, sir. Fuck off good and hard.

I thought that was going to be dumb but I haven’t laughed so much in a long time.

Watching Rioux reminds me of playing basketball when I was 12. Except the basket is higher than five feet and none of the other players are imaginary.

idk, could be interested cause in terms of sports games who is really going back 1 or 2 maddens or FIFAs to replay the glory days, I can say for myself that has never been the case when I have had access to the newest version of the series. So pretty much if you plan on buying two sports game by EA close to their

Absolutely not.

1. If you fly into Bozeman, you’ll have two options for entering the park: West Yellowstone (West entrance) or Gardiner (North entrance). Choose based on what you intend to see first. The North entrance offers easiest access to Mammoth Hot Springs, the Lamar Valley and Tower Falls. As others have noted, you’ll see the

I’m guessing 6'4 340 is what they meant.

I’m 6'4", 240. Either

I’ve said this before, I’ll say it again, it would be really neato if you guys could prefix these “Hey look a neat app” articles with the platforms supported, [iOS/Android] or [iOS] or [Android].

I’m an active duty Soldier (so people can feel free not to @ me). I say eliminate the damn thing. It doesn’t make any sense to play it anyway, and it always just makes me wonder if the Packers and Steelers forget what country they are in and have to be reminded at the start of every game.

Yeah, my understanding with bear attacks (if you don’t have a gun or bear spray):

Our bodies are not built to fight large cats. We have thin skin that doesn’t do a good job protecting our vitals from large claws and huge teeth. We’re good at problem solving and throwing things, and we’re built to do some physical things quite well, but fighting large cats and bears is not what we excel at.