

Totally agree. These guys are part of F1 as far as I'm concerned, it would suck without them. Also - I HATE this news.

This jackass needs to be fined 5 million dollars in 'I'm sorry' compensation for the track workers who did their jobs to help him only to have him try to tear their arms off. Then, he needs to be thrown out on his fucking ear and have his racing license shoved up his butt and massaged in there with Nando's fuckin' hot

This damn thread has made me VERY HERNHNGRY!

And the lemon's gettin' away, bwahahaha

Now playing

Nope. Mazda is. And they only had to do it once. 1:28 thru 1:47. Everything else is good, too.

I believe I would really love that Peugeot 208 GTi.

GREAT thread. That Triumph nearly turned my brain inside out. Damn Boxster too.

Black and red, stomping, snorting, raging bull - I would love one. Hold the wing.


Dat moustache....

All unicycles should come with a "CIRCUS USE ONLY" label. I cannot see how they are a practical and useful application at all.

Scumbag Jalopnik.

Goddammit the world can be a nasty place. Having just lost my youngest brother back in June makes this so raw. Wish I could be there for you, Scott, I wish you strength.

2nd Gear: 'sfunny how deep conditioning can be. No matter how many times I see "Dodge Dart" written, whenever I see the picture my mind immediately thinks "Valiant". I remember at least the Safari, Rebel, Regal and VIP models.

Bwahahahaa - now they're gonna require silent electric cars to make vroom vroom noises, or like the Wildwood tram car: "Watch the electric car, please"

In my opinion, the answer to NPoCP is always deeply rooted in one's own direct personal opinion of the subject matter. With that in mind, allow me to unequivocally state:

Immediate first impression: Corve-GT-R-rrari.

Good luck with that. Can't the LEOs get a better image of that from the original "surveillance" system? Jesus people, spend a little more on the goddamn cameras, really. What's the point of going to all the trouble of setting up a system, then plonking an 8-bit camera on the end? May be due to lighting and distance,

Interesting - how could the impact to the right rear wheel break the connection on the left rear trailing link arm? Aren't they independent? Or was that maybe from flying up in the air then crashing down?