
Definitely, yes.


We can't let you bring it in, it was modified overseas.

Well said, stratity, well said. You had me at 'immediately without self control whispered "woah..."'. And then the last paragraph wrapped it in gold. Or carbon-fiber, as is your wont :)

Whoa! Lotus Europa - was one of my favorite Corgi/Matchbox cars (can't remember which) next to the Jensen Interceptor. Nice!

That is precisely the danger with this idea.

There's no #7, either. WTF?

Yo - Im'a back the Ford GT choices. 'Nuff images posted.

Biggest problem, you'd need a storm trooper adapter to handle 220V ;)

And it would go hunting for its own gas and parts. Win!

Love that dog, man... hilarious


THAT is a good argument for design law enforcement. Good grief.


The front?

That was my exact thought upon seeing the image. I think I recall that tag (license) on the test car. I may be mistaken though, but I can't get to the Driven Zonda video right now.

All of that... and purple? No, please, no.

I remember that. Tom Pryce just went straight off the track at Crawthorne. The marshall was torn in half. Awful.

Good call. I now believe that incident took the fire out of him.