
That's bad.

Deserved it, all the way. Congrats on COTD, and especially on the star!

Also - Ferrari are all over the place with their numbering scheme, unless there's something to it I haven't seen, or, they don't intend to have one. But yeah, odd names. No sex.

Side view is beautiful, but I can't unsee that manic front end and tucked-in diaper rear end. They just look odd to me.

Dat ass...

I believe number 6 is what you're looking for.

The passenger gets a giant brake pedal. Placebo effect.

These were very sought after. Not to mention deeply loved by their owners. And me.

Loved the Winfield BMWs. Also, check out 'the animal':

GREAT choice!

This is only the first half of a duo. When the TURF comes along, they will be sold as a pair only.

Looks to me like it was designed around the surfboard.

It looks more like it was in the designer, and then it got out...

I'm neither here nor there usually, when it comes to NASCAR, but this one's been pretty interesting to watch.

Congrats, Desu, good one! I still think you should be writing for this rag.

1st gear: NASCAR pissing off Thor

That's almost exactly what I saw in the last bit.

Yep - I think it's meant to portray her as she is now, and the breakthrough of her future self. Or something like that.

That's an excellent commercial. Everyone seeing what they are, or want, in the Mustang is a really nice touch.