
There's a mister Pagani on line 1, dawg

Yo dawg, we heard you like wheel flares... uhhh.... never mind

THANK YOU for taking care of those people. My son is one of them and I hope no-one ever gets called for him.

You have to assume dude has the best Jalop ride he can afford, and then respect him by accepting his challenge. Then, beat him, if you need to. Even if he appears to be trolling you.

Well said, sir, I second that sentiment.

Thank you. These are the most pointless badges I've ever seen, and I really dislike them intensely.

I think they threw the pig first.

It was pulling out of a steep dive, sir. It may have been a bombing run. For all you know, I could have saved us all!

First thing that came to mind. Thanks!

A fine adaptation indeed!

Wish I knew. It's linear, I think, and just displays the next image, so I just let it cycle around again.

FWIW: I use this trick in Firefox, not sure about other browsers:

What's REALLY freaking me out is I don't see an arrester mechanism attached to him, or a strong freakin' mesh wall between him and that turbine, only some thin clamps on his skis.

Number 7 - the pope-mobile - should go straight to the top of the troll mobile list. It's the absolute ultimate 'ha-ha!

YES! At last, an idea. The increasingly inaccurately named HHGTTG trilogy is my favorite set of books, right alongside but slightly above Asimov, Clarke, Dick (Phillip K of course), Bear and so on.

Agreed. And to top it all off, it's bloody ugly as sin.

Oh yes - that thing is batshit insane to drive!!!! I struggle like mad to get the SLS AMG around the 'ring in the 7:05 time for Gold - still haven't done it, I'm always around 6 seconds behind. But that thing? A little over 5 minutes. It's stupid fast. It puts me in mind of Hamster in the F1 Renault in one episode

Congrats on COTD!

Props for posting this, it's great. Actually first saw it on Jalopnik too.

Great cars on this list!