
Thanks you guys, that's a very nice thing to say, but I just felt bad I wasn't able to do it in the first place.

Interesting article, thanks! Particularly enjoyed at the 'mouthy valet' bit :)

Same name is used in South Africa around any 10 or 12 seater van. It originally came from the VW campers/buses but is now used broadly (there) for this class of vehicle. These buses are used throughout the country as taxis, so they're interchangeably called kombis or taxis.

Rent, maybe even buy, an old beater with a manual gearbox, and teach my sons how to drive a stick.

As far as I am concerned this is him pulling the trigger on himself for the McDonald's incident. This was the second one. What would the "third time lucky" have consisted of? Think about it for a second. Blowing through a full school crossing? A 4-way stop with your kid in one of the cars? A no-sauce-taco

On top of that the entertainment value would be off the chart - it would be GREAT fun to watch those things being destroyed! After Prius challenge: Caterpillar cleanup, just in case some survived.

Lifehackers tried, but the Jalops had flame-thrower anti-theft, remember?

How to hottie-wire a car: Give it to $kaycog.

The Crayola series coverage of the 2011 F1 Grands Prix, by Peter Orosz.

Yeah some of those images are pretty insane to see. There was one with a ferry, I think, just left high and dry atop a building!!

4.) Crashed Volt catches fire

Oh wow, it's great to see an entry of mine accepted into a top 10!

So was that +1 and then -1?

You sir, get the prize for the Freudian slip of the year.

Formula 1 is coming to Austin and New Jersey.

Yeah agreed, waiting to see some good stuff here.

I would like to second this sentiment, this is exactly what I got out of the article.

This is one of the design cues I hate. Cars are not supposed to be smiley faces, it's like the goddamn Acura designers and the buck tooth and pinched rear end on the TLs. They took a car I thought was so sexy and ruined the f*ck out of it.

o_0 Whoa!

Let's ask Pagani...