
You had me at RACESHIP.

Come on, it's about cars, it automatically gets a free chance, no? Where are the jalops?

Record it, skip the ads. My new mantra. I haven't watched ads in a long time, except when I'm stupid and miss setting the DVR. The average I found on Cablevision is 20 minutes of ads/1 hour show, meaning that 20 minutes after recording starts, you can start watching, fast forward through the ads, and end when the

What an absolutely fascinating person. Watching these gave me rare insight as to just how sharp the human brain can be when wielded correctly.

So when California gets these, no more pursuit vids? Darn it


JATO Carolla!! Yeah baby!

Matt, you did mean Holden SS Commodore, not Hold, right?

Thanks for the real, loud belly laugh. Brilliant

Now THIS is a collage to be proud of. I imagine exactly this sequence going down on Hotblack Desiato's ship just after launch...

Seconded. Well said


That should be 'fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu...'

(Stee) 'ring time?

I have an apex in my eye :D

@dapper_otter: Yes they are. Exactly the same thing.

Be very, very careful, kids. I think this is the Joker's car...

+5 for the great double entendre in 'We can't wait until these things start hitting the street'

Love this lust! I mean list! As warsofwords said - bookmarked forever.

Seconded! I loved the hell out of these, well said