
Pagani, I assume?

550hp sure, but 27,500 ft-lbs of torque

AWESOME. Never seen this, love it, and SAVED. I want to see it again but don't want to wear it out. Will have to ration myself *sweat* The sound, the sound

AWESOME. Never seen this, love it, and SAVED. I want to see it again but don't want to wear it out. Will have to ration myself *sweat* The sound, the sound

AWESOME. Never seen this, love it, and SAVED. I want to see it again but don't want to wear it out. Will have to ration myself *sweat* The sound, the sound

With you on this one. Kubica is one of my favorites and I'm always looking for him to do better. I hope he recovers fully.

This is about a kid, not jaded, cynical old farts like us.

Brilliant! It took me a while to see that, but great catch! Bwahahaha

According to specs, about 718...

Has to be a tactical response. I enjoyed it but it eventually leaves me a little disturbed.

Are you forcing me to hot-link, now, too? Whatever happened to uploading an image from disk, or am I missing somethinhg? All I see is the URL box.

Seems the "edit" capability is in the same room at the back of the warehouse with the dodo... And now, you can only post images with URL? What about local files?


Didn't see this prior to my post - you beat me. Great choice!

Seriously - the thought police should've caught that one.

Yeah no shit! And how do you post an image that's not from the web?

The wrap-around headlights and taillights, giant grills and plastic bumper covers are a significantly sneaky way to reduce finished sheet steel area and therefore the cost of the car, while charging you MOAR for aesthetics and design. Saves the manufacturers loo-oo-aa-ddds (thanks Ron White) of moola while making them

BMW 635 CSi. Probably the most beautiful body shape ever, I have loved them since I first laid eyes on one.

I'm with you on this one. I can't un-see it. It is a singularly stupid thing to do IMHO. Disturbing.

MY EYES! That goddam Pirelli logo flat-spotted across the tire like that looks... looks... so... SO STUPID... Who the hell is standing with the rubber stamp at the factory door agreeing that?