
@Roberto G.: THIS should be plastered right next to "UGLY" in the dictionary. Good god, man, that is an abomination...

Upon re-reading yon surprisingly targeted (read: ugliest, not a list of uglies) and difficult-to-respond-with-one-answer question... may I haz a grant to study said question? I may come back with an answer in five years...

@zootietoo: There are too many to list, but I must admit these two butt plugs sprang first and foremost to mind.

@wætherman: KZ1000 with a Kerker pipe on it was one of my dream bikes. Got to ride a friend's KZ1300 once, way back when. What a blast that was....

Now playing

This one had me hot and cold. As much as I loved the imagery and the innovation in this one, I could not make that final leap and tie the two together. That made the ending a numbing drop from where teh imagery takes you. WTF.

@AMGkiller: They had me. All the way up until the car appeared. Then I switched the channel and forgot about them.

@mytdawg: I love that the second van gets punked sideways by the gate (0:04) but they leave it in the video. Sooo bad...

@Floydster: Damn you for beer-through-nostrils-snort... that was crazy funny

So much win.

That dude was ONE with the car, feeling through that drive more than thinking through it.

@Brett Blaske: Yeah definitely, can't wait! Going to be closer too, I think, amongst the top teams.

Stunning. Terrifying to drive: Adrenalin UP. Heart rate UP. Love it. A real supercar?

@SLRSpeedshop: When I saw this all I could think of was BEACH FISHIN'!

That's simply great, congratulations!

@cesariojpn: Ooooh damn what beautiful lines.....