Protip from someone who worked retail: we talk shit about you behind your back all the time. It's how we cope.
Protip from someone who worked retail: we talk shit about you behind your back all the time. It's how we cope.
In honor of Final Fantasy VII's recent Steam re-release, here's a video by YouTuber NEroNeRoNerON exploring some…
More like a crappy opinion by someone who hasn't watched the movie.
Pretty sure that was a joke.
You're damn right! Every shooter should have exactly the same shooting mechanics! Any variation is in willful defiance to established norms and should be seen as a design fault not a design choice!
I was oddly aroused by this video.
This. A thousand times this.
Leaving Microsoft for Zynga? There's a joke here somewhere. Go to it, Internet!
Is it cool that Microsoft turned out for the Seattle Pride Parade? Sure, but some support of diversity is a basic…
Thanks. It's what I'm here for haha
I assume most the hate comes from a younger generation...
Yeah I'm not sure in what world that's's more common than it was in 1997 but that's still a minority viewpoint.
Couldn't have said it better. I assume most the hate comes from a younger generation that doesn't understand or appreciate the gaming landscape before FFVII was released. The presentation was unmatched at the time, and it was so far beyond anything else to that point that it was a landmark. FFVII did things for the…
This will change nothing. Casuals want the .99 touch based games for when they are on the go and the core gaming crowd wants games that are much more in depth than a mobile game. This will serve a niche crowd.
You win some, you lose some. In changing its drastic Xbox One DRM policies today, Microsoft will actually be cutting…
It's still 100 dollars more expensive, forces kinect, and is slightly less powerful than PS4, but they'll actually be in a position to compete now, and it will be a lot closer. Of course, I doubt all the Xbox fans that preordered PS4 will switch over. Some, yeah, not all.
You mean 180°?
You mean a 180...
Yes yes he is. +1