Philip Wester

I love that Square Enix's defense includes, "You didn't tell us to stop."

Because that makes no sense? got me.

I know right? That's not easy to do either. Half the time I'm drawing something I think is abstract, and then oh shit I just made another sequel to Chrono Trigger.

I'm amazed at how little this looks like something on a SNES.

And fire her.

Pulling down the original article was bullshit. Why should she get a do over? It's not hard to draw a parallel between her and the original accuser here. The "If I just change a few things, this situation will all be better." mentality doesn't really work on the internet. An apology would be more fitting.

"I think better expresses the piece's original intent"

Though I appreciate the revision, what Patricia has to answer for is not the bias in the original editorial. The issue here is when push came to shove, she essentially branded all accused rapists as guilty before proven innocent. Until that is addressed, I don't see anyone letting their foot off the pedal in this

35,000 is insulting? Wait, are you that guy who made a thousand dollars working from home? I knew it!

Thats pretty cool that your mom liked anime that much to start a group with her buddies

The higher resolution photos came from a Chinese news site. the original photos were uploaded by a user to the social media site weibo. Chinese sites tend to unscrupulous with their attribution so they scrub it out. =[ hence why i said photos from xxxxxx originally posted on weibo

I'm reviewing the game. So it's literally my job to do this, and in doing so, will hopefully inform people who might care about this. They in turn can seek out other games that might fit their needs better, if so they wish.

I'm only recommending this because of your recent download history. sexy-cat.jpg ftw

No one every hates to be the guy!

This is absolutely disgusting. I've gone a long time pretending this shit didn't exist, and that was perfectly fine until it started getting thrown in my fucking face. This has gone too far. Now I'm going to have to explain to my children that OWN is an actual TV network.

Someone got spiked and edge-guarded as a child.

look everyone, this guys sucks at smash brothers

Also, the full moon, comets, and black cats. Damned scary things.

Except it CAN'T trigger autism. Go look at the latest research: Autism is developed while *in the womb*. It is entirely coincidental that it shows up within the vaccine schedule. So, as they said in the article above, it is utterly irresponsible to associate the two together.