Philip Wester

Nntendo tried to stop EVO from streaming Smash, not hold it. And the P:M people were never DMCA'd, they just felt like they were going to be,  they pre-emptively ended development of P:M.

1) I never argued that Melee has the most players (even though that has been true in the past).

Yes, and? It means people signed up late. They still signed up. And what you just said had nothing to do with what I said.

My squiggly spooch!

Ahem, "flush out" can also mean "to bring forth something which is in hiding". So it... kinda fits?

That Evan chao looks like he could totally pass for a Yiung Picard. Flashbacks, perhaps?

How did it get “up there”? Simple: Project Pegasus was a military project in co-operation with or with oversight by S.H.I.E.L.D. it’s why all Fury had to do was verify he was with S.H.I.E.L.D. to gain access to its files.

As of a recent retcon, Carol danvers is actually Half-Kree (by way of her mother, Marie Danvers, r Mari-Ell). All the accident did was activate her dormant powers, she gained nothing from Mar-Vell.

Melee was the game at EVO with the most players and viewers who purchased entry/tickets specifically for Melee and nothing else. So, yeah, there’ll be a noticeable ticket sales drop. Just not necessarily a dramatically large one.

Yeah... except people claim that about every single Smash game that isn’t Melee and are proven wrong almost immediately. Melee at least never came close to having to ban any characters (or create rules specifically so they wouldn’t have to ban any characters). Brawl had Meta-Knight and Sm4sh had Bayonetta.

That’s bully logic. If you bully someone eno7gh, they’ll be forced to move. The actions of non-Melee players should not be used to punush Melee players. If Melee players at EVO misbehave, sure, punish them and punish the scene if the misbehaviour is widespread enough.

Only if they retconned her skin colour.

Wt I find the most annoying that while the videos are now in HD, the frame rate is still abysmal.

There id absolutely nothing in canon that indicates Linda was Killmonger's girlfriend. Just because she helped him betray Klau, it doesn't mean they were together.

Are you seriously arguing that anything that was removed in Brawl is a gamebreaking glitch that got “patched out” and tgus an illegitimate way to play the game? By that logic, gliding should be bnned in Brawl tournaments since it went the way of the Dodo in Sm4sh.

Melee did not have rotation, either Brawl or Sm4sh introduced that. In Melee you just can’t get the same fsmash twice. So if your last fsmash was a frying pan, it‘s a 50/50 between the golf club and the tennis raquette.

No. One game designer, Masashiro Sakurai, has said that. And he stoppef saying it after Brawl, probably because Nintendo forced him to. Ultimate is the most deliberately comprtitive play firnedly game in the series.

Do what?

The point is that any rising popularity she's experencing NOW is pointless. She has to have had it some 6-8 months or so ago.

Te thi gs he was shaking his head at were literally all things she had in Sm4sh. So if he’s really listening to pros, he’s clearly not paying attention or this alleged involvement of pro players has been massively overblown becsuse lne of the first things the pros would’ve ensured would’ve been to nerf her busted