Philip Wester

The reset should only have taken a few seconds, but took so long because the EVO officials on staff did not know the damn rules and had to double-check and apparently it took them several minutes to find a single person who either knew the rules or knew to go onto EVO’s official web page to check them. None of this is

Go1 did say no. It’s why they had to do a coin flip (why when the rules state they have to do RPS is beyond me). The rules that the loser can request a side switch, but in case of disagreement, RPS is played.

SonicFox isn’t psychic. He couldn’t possibly have known it’d take that long. It only took so long because:

1) The official on stage, near the stage and with headsets for communicating with did not know the damn rules of EVO, which clearly state that the loser of a game has the right to demand a side switch.

That’s exactly it. The idiots on stage and near the stage did not know the rules. They also needed someone to translate into Japanese for Go1 and Go1 wasted even more time by refusing to side switch.

Professional athletes only get booed in sports where this is allowed, the number of which are very small. Nobody is allowed to boo golf players or tennis players or chess players or whatnot. And nobody would ever suggest it be allowed.

Some people bought BotW for the Switch in anticipation of buying a Switch later. Also, the game was released in at least 4 editions, so some people, like me, bought several editions of the game for the extra goodies.

Clearly you didn’t watch the top 8. They were booing every single Bayonetta in the top 8, including when they weren’t facing other Bayonettas.

By all means, ban the toxic fans who come to tournaments with the express purpose of disrupting play. No, do not ban characters just because their mere existence precipitates toxic behaviour by manchildren. This is to give into blackmail. “Either you ban what I want or I will disrupt your tournaments”. The smartest

Blah, blah, you’re one of them. Got it.

“The disrespect these two showed was disgraceful, and they frankly deserved the boos they got. “

Hundreds of people went into that top 8 with the express purpose of disrupting the top 8 by booing for hours. Consistent booing is not a natural part of sports if we don’t allow it to be.

@JasonFlook: I’m sorry, are you actually criticizing CaptainZack for tweeting “Stop booing me like I care”? He wasn’t saying he doesn’t care about the game, Evo or the game at Evo. He was saying he doesn’t care about the booing. Oh no. How unprofessional! What a terrible person he is! Also, that was not passive

Doing nothing but booing for hours should get you booted. This is not like at a football stadium where it’d be particularly hard. These asshats just wanted to disrupt the finals. They should have been booted.

Read my reply to the other guy making the same argument.

I doubt many people who owned a Wii U already thought “Hmmm... I’m gonna buy MK8 on Wii U and then a Switch in a few months once I can afford it”. Most people who owned a Wii U at the Switch’s launch and some time after had probably already bought MK8 on the Wii U.

Ah, so it’s an even more stupid conspiracy theory than I thought. Thanks for clarifying.

It’s not like Mistake and CaptainZack weren’t placing high at majors before Bayonetta was released with characters that weren’t Bayonetta. It’s not like the vast majority of Bayonetta players currently placing high in tournaments weren’t doing so before Bayonetta was released using other characters.

You can get out of her combos easier now and the timing and spacing is much tighter for comboing her moves. Also, there’s a general reduction in knockback and a strange new way how knockback works. Pretty sure Witch Time has also been nerfed.

The standoff at the start of the 2nd set wasn’t a show a sportmanship, it was a show of defiance, a silent protest towards the crowd for having disrespected both players for hours at that point. Was it immature? Yes. But they’re also 16 and 17 and at least one of them has continually gotten death threats for his

Sm4sh. The Melee portion was fine.

The newer Smash games skew young. No doubt the crowd watching SmashU Evo 2019 will skew towards the younger end of the Evo demographic. Now, Bayonetta might be getting the nerf hammer (not hard, but hard enough to matter), but there’s no way to predict whether any SmashU characters will emerge to become as strong in