Look, how else is a man supposed to compliment his daughter when the only compliments he knows how to give any woman are that he finds her attractive enough to have sex with?
Look, how else is a man supposed to compliment his daughter when the only compliments he knows how to give any woman are that he finds her attractive enough to have sex with?
Wait a minute. Hold the phone. Are you saying Trump supporters have no grasp on facts or reality?
He only made the putt because someone in the crowd told the ball to “get in the hole.”
“Crucifying is something that Jews do to good people.”
I love how Stormfront uses the black white and red German empire flag, which is based on what the Germans wore in the napoleonic war.
Beating Trump is literally the game, here. Beating Trump is how she will become president.
Um, yes you can, but you do realize you just equated storm front, a neo Nazi racist website to Al Jazeera, an actual news organization.
If we arm cops with tacos instead of guns they can deescalate tenuous situations. Fewer cops (directly) killing Americans is a win-win for almost everybody. I say almost because I’m sure white supremacists will hate it but, man, fuck those guys.
No. Tacos. Just tacos. With mandatory cheese.
Will the cop have tacos?
Seriously, Taco trucks on every corner is the “chicken in every pot” for 2016. If voting Hillary gets you that, we are looking a Reagan level landslide.
By logically sticking his anatomy most phallic component into her anatomy's most yonic component...
Hot take, I beat you to it! Zing!
You’re right. There’s only things they can do. Like not be racist.
Zoe Saldana’s skin tone had nothing to do with her ability to speak out on issues affecting black people. It does have to do with the fact that she was cast to play a person whose dark skin deviated greatly from accepted beauty standards, especially at the time of her career. That is part of the story of Nina Simone’s…
Zoe Saldana literally had to put on blackface to play the part of a woman whose cultural potency is tied up in how much her appearance deviated from the norm of what black actresses and singers who achieved success in America typically looked like. Nina Simone’s music would be powerful no matter what, but part of her…
As someone who is half black, half white, with a black father, the answer is: “It depends.”
Someone else said it, but, yeah, America. Colin Kaepernick walking down the street would not elicit musings of “Oh, look a white guy” or even “Oh, look a biracial guy.” For most people, the default is he’s a black guy. So, yeah, ‘Merica.
Yeah, that’s a pretty good point. Okay.
Did a knight wear armor over his armor to protect his armor?