
It’s either not done filming or just finished filming. Calm down.

You mean the movie all about trying to find Luke Skywalker? Where the villain was the son of Leia Skywalker and was committed to living up to the legacy of his grandfather Anakin Skywalker? That movie is the franchise at peak Skywalker.

He’s definitely an actor who is consistently better than pretty much every movie he’s in.

There’s so many games that I have that reaction to. “Looks cool. I’d be terrible at it. Moving on.”

Don’t mind me, I’m just in this thread starring all the Dead Man references.

Hail, Caesar! makes fun of this by having the Jesus they use in the film be golden blond and only seen from behind.

Well there isn’t very much room at the Hollywood park.

I mean, him doing Spider-Man is already out of the picture.

Wonder if she’d feel the same way if it hadn’t bombed.

Baltimore is already magical.

Not saying that it's not well done, or that it's bad because of it. Just a setting I'd like to see take a break for a while.

Starting to wonder if Magical London should be retired as a setting for a bit.

I guess I didn’t read the headline carefully enough, cause I thought this was a reality show, and was a bit confused.

Zagreus, while having shoddy writing, has one of the best performances I’ve ever seen from Doctor Who. And that’s all McGann.

When I first got into 8 I posted on Reddit asking why people loved him, because I knew I did, but I couldn’t articulate why. Someone made this comment, and I frequently return to it.

But you wouldn’t recognize a lot of their faces, either.

Well 12 regenerated into that body, we know 1 didn’t.

She was actively publicized as being in the movie.

That’s why they include little paragraphs explaining who the people are.

As opposed to?