
I can't be the only one who thought this when seeing the thumbnail, right?

you have terrible taste

dump him.

Love her or hate her that's her whole career. She wore a meat suit and recorded an album called the Fame Monster so I think she's aware of it too.

Now playing

I don't care how much you hated this movie:

I think, at this point, if Idris Elba was announced to be cast for literally any role, I'd be okay with it and excited.

You are so off target

Of course it is. For instance, none of the above jokes belittle men in any way. You can put your straw man away now.

As a feminist man, I don't feel belittled by any of this. If feminist statements make you feel belittled, you may be the problem.

It's less unbelievable when you realize the extent of the training and the cult/brainwashing tactics they use. They target specific types of people and exploit their vulnerabilities. It's very, very powerful.

I totally agree with you, and will also add that almost all other religions are just as bad-sci-fi crazy, we're just more used to them. As my boyfriend once said, "If it's gonna be totally ridiculous, it might as well have spaceships in it."

Who are these people that never fart in front of their partners, and how do they maintain such rigid control over their emissions? That must be so very stressful.

Nope. Sorry.

I really, really dislike people who scam the system like this. I can't even put it into words. Maybe it all dates back to the one time my house was broken into, or the fact that I was raised to value a work ethic above almost all else, but theft of any sort just disturbs me, especially in cases like this where there

If they want to go unconventional, then damn it, go all out and do it in a way that guarantees something awesome!

I was in an elevator that went between two floors. It had a "1" and "2" button.

I know I would. I've taken long detours that were a more pleasurable drive to avoid having to drive through the DFW traffic.

Your last sentence does it again - you're grouping everyone who identifies as a part of that group as "bad," which is a strawman. I'm also not surprised you got such a response if you wrote about "the problematic feminist view of games," since there isn't any one feminist group of games. I would've been critical that

You are missing the point so bad it causes me physical pain.