Nope. Sorry.
Nope. Sorry.
I really, really dislike people who scam the system like this. I can't even put it into words. Maybe it all dates back to the one time my house was broken into, or the fact that I was raised to value a work ethic above almost all else, but theft of any sort just disturbs me, especially in cases like this where there…
Your last sentence does it again - you're grouping everyone who identifies as a part of that group as "bad," which is a strawman. I'm also not surprised you got such a response if you wrote about "the problematic feminist view of games," since there isn't any one feminist group of games. I would've been critical that…
Yeah, "males don't have to be civil between themselves", way to go there.You have just made it so much easier for everyone to understand why entitled males make flash games of beating Sarkessian's face into a bloody pulp. Because male? Sheesh, I'm male and I find that below any definition of "manly" I could ever…
Similarly, if you don't like the criticisms offered here, you could not click the article, not comment? Or make your own article discussing problems (which I honestly would read because I'm all for good criticism of games, which is why I like Game Studies).
You are missing the point so bad it causes me physical pain.
No, you wouldn't. If Anita were a male you would still be expected to criticize her with respect and civility. I am not sure where you get this chest-thumping idea that men are assholes and "get" to behave like assholes. That may be how you perceive society and gender, but I assure you, that is not a perspective that…
Just a heads up to some of you who are commenting, that it's painfully clear who did watch the video and who didn't. And if you didn't, and are commenting about the video anyway, you're just making yourself look foolish.
Nah. The worst thing around this hoo-haa was when people leaked her personal info and threatened her with rape and murder. The second worst thing is that it's the 21st century and the industry still hasn't come close to fixing its problems. Way down the list is the risk to your image, and as other people have said…
Oh puh-lease. You can shop just about anywhere you want. So can I, but I don't pretend that I'm not lucky to have that option. Attitudes like yours are the problem!
Well, I didn't really plan on sleeping today anyway, it's cool.
Seriously! I get a bump bigger than that if I eat bread. Or salt. Or milk. Um, food.
Is it just me or does the pup on the far right look like he doesn't really hear it, he's just doing what the other dogs are doing?
Hahahaha, I've never said that but I have been known to shake my belly at my man!
I got my "baby bump" before I hit puberty, is there a special name for that? I also hold things (*gasp*) and have indecisively-sized boobs (*the horror!*).
I feel like you made the username 'dickmove' just so you could post this comment.
Calm down there, Satan. Let's not overdo it.
I like monogamy. For me, it works. I am in a long-distance monogamous relationship and I never feel as if I want to look for something else or as if I'm missing out. I like being with only him and I can't see myself being happy if the arrangement were any other way.
Why get this weird persecution complex when like, 99.9% of humans agree with you? Go anywhere, and there's someone that shares that thought! I don't think Jezebel is oppressing you or something, come on.
So, hating Olds, napping in the truck, stealing mail (a federal offense), and the general "I have no idea what I'm talking about statement" were not the biggest deal? The bra thing was?