He's suggesting that you're saying when Marvel use Hawkeye it's purely out of spite since he makes very little sense as part of that team, but when DC use their character with identical powers the same logic doesnt apply.
He's suggesting that you're saying when Marvel use Hawkeye it's purely out of spite since he makes very little sense as part of that team, but when DC use their character with identical powers the same logic doesnt apply.
what is he holding?
First of all, this movie looks like crap.
Good thing that bus showed up. I predict the actual sword battle would have consisted of a couple hits followed closely by a realization that its actually pretty boring to hit someone repeatedly with no effect.
I suspect that there will be another scene after the credits for the US audience
Kevin Feige said in an interview that it was their idea to kill off coulson, not Joss's.
I'm of the opinion that he is dead.
Why not? it really is fantastic
Avengers comes out here(australia) tomorrow, on Anzac day, a public holiday.
The comment so nice he wrote it twice!
come to australia, where air is free at every service station! i tell ya, its like a dream come true.
frodo, not legolas.
the cameos do count as part of his deal
ah, i hadnt seen it. cheers
"It just feels like they're cashing in on Girl With The Dragon Tattoo"
I just hate that they have here with battlestar themed fantasys but Michael Trucco can still somehow have a guest spot
I just watched it an hour ago(i feel like you should actually watch something before criticizing it)
Because some women REALLY love the stubble
Theyd obviously run out of ways to make aliens look cool, so they had to make the quarians essentially human under there.