
Wow, not often i see someone make an apology then make the exact same asinine statements.

Thats sort of outdated thinking. there are so many variaties of stainless steel you cannot empirically say that all stainless steels are inferior to carbon steels. Some will be better and some will be worse.

In a modern kitchen? 9 out of 10 times, yes it is.

For fucks sake, forging doesn't make anything automatically better!

This is an open letter to the internet prompted by your comment, please stop saying that modern damascus steel is 'folded'

I will agree that his prices are a little off-kilter, but that's his prerogative and it seems to be working for him.

Forging simply re-arranges the steel into the appropriate shape. It still has to be ground, polished and handle fitted just like a knife made through stock removal.

I'll be honest, I dont fully understand this process.

I think claiming that a stock removal knifemaker doesnt "actually make his knives" is far more offensive than you realize...

Each process has its pros and cons(try making a stainless steel knife through forging...)

The difference is so minimal.

Come over to a knifemaker forum and say that, you'll be torn apart.

Worst reasoning ever.

I've only ever tried one ceramic knife(a kyocera), but the edge was PITIFUL compared to what i and many others can achieve with a high quality steel knife.

You'll do more harm to the blade simply by using an electric honer in general.

I feel like the episode "Threads" brought alot of redeeming qualities to season 8 so i dont consider it the worst.

That seems like the opposite of what i think would be the usual impression; Looks like shit, think it would be slow.

