
No doubt i have somewhat strayed from my original intent of unnecessary waste.

the device in question still functioned, im arguing that such a thing should not be classified as a problem, regardless of what world you live in

Okay sir, i noticed your predicament of having a broken ipad.

theres 'wasteful' and then there 'jesus christ man why are you being so wasteful?'

I kinda never realized how wasteful and decadent the gadget enthusiast lifestyle is.

Hey its 2011, its okay to admit you were wrong on the internet.

see comment below.

it has lots of useful features like finding new york, or finding the time in new york.

or it gets a short haircut and moves to san francisco

oh good this should ensure some very authentic racism!

excellent analogy sir. bravo.

so the story is, 'phone that has barely been upgraded has barely been upgraded'.

you dont know where to get metal and wood?

Cupertino the town not the actual apple campus, thats why its not on giz

agreed! payoff from the who finale was pretty lame.

ratings didnt drop? sounds like everyone watched the first episode, thought it was meh but saw potential then tuned into the second episode. ratings for the third shall be very interesting.

a slight return to form styling wise after their recent slump (see: 05 tribeca, current model liberty/legacy, 07 impreza). I look forward to the impreza sedan.

I'm going to keep that bookmarked, so that whenever I feel I've done something stupid, I'll watch that and remember that I'm not THAT stupid.

thats a worst case scenario.

activists feel that modern tools give man an unfair advantage.