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    I think he just missed what he was trying to say. He did not mean to insult other game designers, he meant to insult their game designs. It's still not very nice, but I think he sent the wrong message here.

    Pity about your thing about MOBAs. I hated them at first, too, but later on found that DotA 2 scratched the exact same itch that Nox used to. Admittedly, it's a learning curve, but somehow the learning curve went away for me when I stopped looking at it as this new genre and started looking at it as a 5vs5 RPG with

    He has been playing for a while now. Yes, he was quick as hell, but there was at least one year of practice IIRC.

    Attacking two loyal fanbases at once. Gee golly.

    Notice how there was no scene for "true love"?

    He also isn't that good. Weirdest directing choice ever. However much I want to say it isn't so, mediocrity will not be a good direction for Star Wars to take. Episode 1-3 might have been failures, but at least they failed hard and they failed spectacularly. Heck, people are *still* talking about it.

    Disney isn't creative?

    Agreed, except the fuck humanity part. There's decent people out there, it just gets very tiring to look for them sometimes.


    You missed an opportunity for a Zerg joke here, buddy...

    Monopoly and Checkers are really fucking lame.

    ... what? You're trolling, right? You know that Sim City has had multiplayer before this, right? And by trolling I mean you're an asshat.

    The argument was about the assumed intrinsic value of hand-made pictures, don't change the subject.

    Just because some old painter said so doesn't mean a doodle by a five year old has any value. Shit will be shit. That you choose to interpret it as chocolate doesn't mean anyone else wants a bite.

    Ni No Kuni

    I sense a lot of rage. Maybe you wish to channel this energy into something more useful, like masturbating in a corner, covered in your own feces?

    No. Sorry, but no. Mortal Kombat. Nuff said.

    Needs Spore integration.

    Hope so
