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    Am I the only one who never had fun playing a Resident Evil game? Neither one of the "good" old ones nor one of the "crappy" new ones.

    But it's one that a league smurf doesn't have to go through. I think you underestimate people's laziness.

    Steam has all your other games on it and it'll be more trouble than it's worth to most people to keep switching back and forth.

    Making alt accounts would require making a new Steam account. I somehow doubt a lot of people will go through that trouble, especially since they'd have to redo their entire friends list and everything.

    You mean the system that makes it so not all characters scale exactly the same way?

    Other games wish they could do this, but LoL is privileged in that it has a high enough player base to easily eat such "losses" in professional player numbers.

    The developer kept his promise. The console version was handed off to another developer who bought the rights.

    I'm in the same dilemma right now, but I find myself devoting more time to Persona 4 because the Vita is more convenient than the PS3

    I for one welcome my console exclusive overlords.

    Split. Screen. Multiplayer.

    No need to lecture me, I know Bakuman, I read it and am currently watching the anime as a way of learning Japanese. What I was trying to say was that this manga here is about how an anime is made, Bakuman is about how a manga is made. This is an extremely different process. The only time when Bakuman touches on anime

    Despite popular opinion, anime and manga are not the same thing.

    You go and poll geeks on this stuff and don't expect to be trolled? Really?

    You can play this on the vita. You need a hacked PS3 and it'll be only in the vicinity of your house, but you can. It's amazing.

    I find it amazing how hostile people can get when asked to listen to a language they don't understand. Try having something on TV in a language people in the vicinity don't understand. Even if nobody wanted to watch anything and would've ignored it had it been some stupid reality show nobody likes, they will get angry

    Maybe you're god of games or something, but on the highest difficulty I was constantly out of ammo and died and died and died...

    Non-sequitur. I asked you why you wanted me to give an example of a "nazi book" other than a manual for actual members.

    Why "other than"?

    How is it doing damage? Just because someone writes a nazi book doesn't mean books are evil.

    Sometimes I think it needs a sequel, and sometimes I think you're right - I think I like the idea of a sequel more than I'd like a sequel.