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    @koreshonfire: "Most of us gamers already know that Kinect is shit" - I stopped reading here. It's like listening to a nuthouse politician.


    @XeO3: I see a loophole for snuff and porn games cleared for six year olds!

    @Ian Pape: Looking at our present school system I'm starting to think that higher education really is run by the devil...

    @spiderweb1986: Ah, so the Christians are the cowards who run away while everyone else fights the devil? What a pussy religion.

    @Baraka_Obama: Then nobody would ever know because obviously it's not related.

    @senselocke: As if the crusades hadn't been enough, NOW THEY ARE HANDING OUT VIDEO GAMES!


    @Lazthelost: Make that 2 Invasion maps and you have my 1200 points

    @R3dAc3: Because the alternative is invisible walls?

    I think Switzerland doesn't get the indie games :( Eat my shorts Microsoft :(

    @DJ_Skrull: I make sure to read instructions for all household devices, even pots and pans. Can save you some grief.

    They shot sonic out of a Mario cannon :( SCREW YOU SEGA!

    @Sean Netzel: Why try and blame someone for this? These people all actually learned something nobody expected. Isn't this the much more interesting outcome for all of them?

    I stopped reading computer game manuals when games became intuitive. I don't see this as a bad thing for games as art in general. They're less technological gadgets now and more of an experience. You have to read the manual for your toaster, but not for watching a movie.

    Since Raptor: Call of Shadows, I've been a fan of boss recycling.

    @Ryodestined: Not all research has to get us somewhere. Research that brings us to a dead end is just as valid as something that catapults us leaps and bounds into the future. The whole point of research is hat you don't know where it might get you.

    @unknownsock: Water is calorie-free, sugar-free, and alcohol-free, is my point.

    @unknownsock: There are people out there that actually *like* to drink water, you know...