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    @Sl0th: It's not really the game that's interesting but the technology behind it. Once this thing's out, games will start taking yet another leap forward in graphics technology. You'll be amazed.

    @dracosummoner: Because the second game is not the first game, which it is okay to like. Obviously.

    @gundaman: That and lightning quick gameplay.

    @Paul_Is_Drunk: It was nothing like the original game. It was slow and clunky and had boring enemies.

    @Matt0505: To be more exact, it sounded like the iPad version was kind of the same thing. He mentioned testing it out on the iPad and it being really cool.

    @Matt0505: It is, he said so in the keynote.

    Wow, good thing I only just found out that this was something I should be waiting for. Only half an hour... yay for Rage!


    OH GOD THIS IS SO AWESOME! And I haven't even played any of the Modern Warfares... I only bought a 360 and lots of games recently, and I'm still waiting for the new TV to arrive so I can actually play... But I must have this!

    @y2julio: For this movie, bragging about having played retro games makes sense.

    @Fernando Jorge: Agreed. The marketing is leaps and bounds ahead of the Kinect, though.

    @Clive Bavels: employers are afraid that you will find the job boring because you know a lot more than the job requires. This in turn will make you quite after a few months. Employers don't want you to quit, they want to quit you.

    Okay, learn from this: If you want a job making games, then make games! Don't go to a school for a five years to get a piece of paper!

    @flanker22: But Uncharted 2 is streaming. It is loading ALL THE TIME!

    Erm... I'm no expert, but are three quarters of the screen *supposed* to be filled with superfluous stuff? I thought we'd be past the NES RPG phase of games...

    "But if you input "purple vomit", it'll be a purple colored lump! That's the color of actual vomit! This needs an 18+ rating!"

    This somehow manages to look fun and extremely horrible at the same time.

    @Shinta: All the problems appear to be software-side, not hardware-side. It doesn't have problems picking up limbs, just "recognizing" them if they're not in the positions the Kinect expects. This can all be fixed with patches.