I thought PONG even before reading the caption. Maybe if there wasn't an 11 I wouldn't have?
I thought PONG even before reading the caption. Maybe if there wasn't an 11 I wouldn't have?
Thank you for confirming that I am only slightly crazy. :)
i was always under the impression they were developing an mmorpg. it does look very polished, we'll have to see how this all goes.
not good enough any more. I don't mind the annoyance of going around the log in for netflix but I paid a lot of money for MLB.tv and I haven't been able to use it since this started happening. Granted I can watch it on my PC but I'd prefer to watch it in HD on my television. I don't care if people say the service…
This may not be exciting for those of us who have played through it but my 7 year old is elated and I'm glad he has an opportunity to play through this game. There are so many great games from when I was a kid that were never re-released, I'm glad that he can give this one a go.
I remember when Zelda came out for the original NES when I was in 7th grade. It was close to my birthday but I was uncomfortable asking for such an expensive gift. However, several days before my birthday I was playing football with some friends and got a knee to the junk. The next day I'm in the hospital because I…
Just an FYI from the old Star Wars guild thread, I just created a guild titled Bizarro Kotaku. The official Kotaku one was PVE Republic. This one is PVP Empire, for casual players. Feel free to join.
I just created a guild titled Bizarro Kotaku. PVP - Empire!
To all interested parties I just created a guild titled Bizarro Kotaku. PVP - Empire!
Anyone want to start a Kotaku friends Empire PVP guild?
@Dragorith: Maybe he was adopted and raised by high society types. Tea anyone?
@bob_d: yeah, I only had 3 episodes to go of season 2 and Netflix pulled it from streaming a day or so ago. I'll have to get it on disc now, before I can be disappointed it got axed.
seriously, why is it so difficult to make a good superman movie. they always over think it and try to make him complex, when really he is not.
@KaMai: I showed that trailer to my wife, *not a gamer*, and I said "that's all cg" and it took a few showings to convince her otherwise. amazing to me.
Why don't they take the folks responsible for the CG in that Batman trailer above and make a kick-ass movie? That was incredible looking.
Tron 2.0 that came out a few years back (03) and I really enjoyed it.
If you can't beat em, ban em.