*But in the end, it just wasn't my cup of tea.

Thinking faster than you can type does you no favors when you can't go back and edit it unless you catch it quickly.

Squeenix or Bethesda. That drawing of the Imperial City/White-Gold Tower and Lake Rumare from the Northwest (you can't see the Prison or Arcane University so its gotta be the Northwest. I'm an Elder Scrolls fanboy, obviously) looks just as good, if not better, than the promotional artwork and loading screens in ESO.

He didn't get the writing on the Shinra logo right, but its beautiful regardless. Its pretty much how I'd expect Shinra Number 27, better known as Rocket Town, to look. All it needs is Cid sitting outside smoking a cigarette, waiting on Shara to make some goddamn tea.

Good article Nathan, best I've read by you I think and I've been reading your writing since you were at RPS.

I never liked WoW. I gave it a chance and it wasn't my cup of tea.

It always seemed like amateur hour with a hobbled UI, childish artwork and character design, and fucking up an IP I really liked (By that I

Y'know, I always wondered who did the digging when everyone on the wagon died. I drowned everyone trying to ford streams a few times as you can tell, so maybe it was just someone wherever you and your dead companions washed up.

You're going to be a Small Arms repairer if you get it. In my service branch its an Ordnance job. I think its part of Quartermaster with the Marine Corps. But hey, that particular job can make you some serious money in the civilian world as well, there are never enough qualified gunsmiths and technicians. The Marine

I hate it too dude. Probably for the same reason. I didn't like it the first time I heard it, and really didn't like it (to put it mildly) by what must have been the 500th. I wish I was exaggerating but I really am not.

Now playing

Reminds me of Summer 2000 and listening to 95.3 because they'd play this about once every two hours. Goddamn, all that seems like a fucking lifetime ago. I'm gonna try and remember a bunch of shit all at once here, so this comment is mostly for me.

Personally, I hated this song and Zombie Nation or whatever. And these

Looks brown, green and grey to me. Like he took the ugly baby shit/puke green color palette of the ACU uniform and made a "game" out of it. Color me unimpressed.

I'm actually surprised that the Raiders have less people facing charges than a good number of other teams. Then again, our fans tend to make up for the team as far as criminality goes.

Me either. It basically sounds like Sega's early 90's gimmick for Sonic applied to Mario. It actually sounds damned annoying

I'm not trying to be pedantic, but you do know that US Marshal has one l in it, right? I have no idea if you can change post titles in full-fat Kinja, but you might want to. Anyone attempting to attack a Deputy with the Marshals Service or a Secret Service Special Agent is really asking for it.

The Military uses off-the shelf parts all the time, plus the API for the Xbox 360 controller's easy to write for, so I'm not surprised its in use. I'm surprised its not in wider use actually. But then again, it's complicated contracts that waste money and time and result in worthless equipment that ensure hardworking

And one little nit-pick, WC was a PC game. It had a port to the SNES or Genesis, but it was a PC game by Origin first and foremost.

How about I do whatever the fuck I want to, and not listen to you? If I choose to play a game, I will. And I will do so based on what I want, not because dragon_83 thinks I shouldn't.

Neither was I, but 15 years ago I had time to mess with my builds endlessly and do everything I could think of. Nowadays, I have to sit down, play the fuckin game for however long I can and not have to figure out what config works for what, how I need to be macroed, etc. I don't have time to administrate my gameplay

And I never claimed to.

I claimed to represent myself, and instead got attacked for it by basement dwellers with no futures, as well as some super A-type personalities who have time for everything in the world like yourself and a few others. My RL is more important than a fucking game, and the more I can fit around my

I've always considered We're in this together a song about struggle. I actually wrote a high school essay about that and got a very high grade. I started listening in 89 obviously. To me, Something I can never have is more desperation and lack of hope than a straight up love song, but you're right about Beside you in

I call the albums by their names, I use the Halo numbers to catalog them. I was trying to make that clear in the 2nd response. And thank you, you too. Anyone who at least respects Trent Reznor's work is cool by me.

If MMOs, deep RPGs along with their mods, unforgiving multiplayer shooters, realistic racing games, arcade style flying games like Wing Commander and Ace Combat, and retro games like Contra, Turtles, Battletoad, Super C, Shining Force, Phantasy Start II through IV, Secret of Evermore, Final Fantasy Tactics, OheFinal