
Anonymous now has a new target.

"Lifehacker reader Michele Parsons uses this clever trick for her car phone charger, since the plug isn't a tight fit and one end kept coming unplugged."

What about blinding other people while you're on the phone? When me and my wife are on road trips, the glare from the front of her phone always seems to catch me right in the face when I'm driving. This would be horrifically worse.

I guess Whitson doesn't fly much.... last time I checked they would never let you take this much liquid on a plane.

Honey badger?

Now if only we can find a way to sneak this into Arizona's drinking water supply...

"It's almost as if you're supposed to keep the phone upside down in your pocket."

Was that Jodie Foster at the very end? What the....

Or makes his very own new one....

Oh I'd love one please.

People..... it's a green screen trick.

Outdoors, Melanie? .... really? Outdoors?

How about the fact that these places can't tell their governments how unhappy they are without pissing off "Dear Leader" and being thrown in prison for the rest of their lives? That would make me tell 'em I'm happy REAL quick-like.

And how exactly are you supposed to "sprinkle" "wet" coffee grounds?

Personally, I probably wouldn't take someone else's information in this way.

"Production of cars like the Prius could slow down dangerously."