
They did, about a week after I ordered, and I received it about 5 days later. It’s been working great!

They did, about a week after I ordered, and I received it about 5 days later. It’s been working great!

I jumped on this about a couple of weeks ago and I couldn’t be happier. You’re basically getting an appleTV 4k for half price + 3 months of direcTVnow. I haven’t turned on my satellite box, also directv, since I bought this. I just haven’t needed to. The appleTV4k is the best streaming device I’ve ever used, but I’ve

I jumped on this about a couple of weeks ago and I couldn’t be happier. You’re basically getting an appleTV 4k for

with DVR on the way! I’m currently testing the Beta.

with DVR on the way! I’m currently testing the Beta.

She recounted that as what she said in the heat of an argument. I doubt she means it literally.

No, it wasn’t an abuse of power. At worst, it was an error in judgement on his part. He did not tell her to do anything she wouldn/couldn’t do in real life. If you have a driver’s license, you should be able to operate a vehicle at 40 mph. For her to claim, that he wanted to kill his lead actress, the one who’s well

Oh its this retard again. I sometimes wonder whether you and easy are the same person. On this account all you do is troll people for hating women. On Easy’s account all you do is troll people for not hating all white people. God... so fucking limited some of these people on this site.

Many of the members here are just hateful misanthropes who are fundamentally incapable of deriving pleasure and enjoyment out of any piece of art, hence their desire to see as many major artists destroyed as possible.

The fact that I have like 50 other games I own that I haven’t started yet hahaha. I like to call it backlog paralysis.

Similar situation for me, it was amazing. And Super Mario 64 is one of the few games that has aged well. It just goes to show how revolutionary the game was.

Which is why we gave it to my son early - we lived through the Sony problems when we gave him a PS4 for Christmas a few years ago (2 years ago?). Didn’t want to take the chance of that happening again. Very glad we made the right choice this year.


Ah, that’s great to know, thanks much. My strategy has been basically to get hit every time he moves his leg and shoots missiles, which, needless to say, isn’t working very well.

The first and last fatal error was trusting any government run ANYTHING to actually give a shit. The USPS is absolute trash. 50% of the time, my Amazon packages shipped by USPS just never arrive. Fortunately, Amazon is the one who deals with it and gives me my money back, but for something like this...

America WILL elect a jackass tomorrow; we’re just not sure WHICH jackass (Sure, one is a bigger jackass than the other, but they’re both terrible.)

You realize those are simulated images? You know, the same way all companies show off their video products...

Steam has given a big ol “Fuck you” to lesser grievances before. Suing their users for seemingly no reason? I wouldn’t be surprised if they considered stepping up and representing the users that made those remarks as well.

“Ehh, Doom 2016 didn’t have much story”

this is fantastic. Thank you, Master-D.

Yeah, she’s the best. Happy to report that I am now able to buy games often, and my mom and I even played an RPG together. Her commentary is delightful.

My favorite thing as a little girl was staying in the luxury hotel in Marrymore and not being able to pay the inn fee. The hotel makes Mario work as a bellhop for however long you overstayed without paying. Did... did anyone else do that?