
Ezekiel is the good guy version of Negan?

Just think of it as buying 4 episodes a month for under 2 bucks each. If they did it on iTunes or Google play you would pay more JUST TO WATCH Star trek not whatever else is on CBS All Access. For me, a Star Trek fanatic it is a no-brainer.

I dare say that if the show has rave reviews some of you may end up ponying up for the service. It is less than the price of buying a TV episode per week on iTunes or Google Play. I guess you could also torrent it but I certainly hope you don’t.

IMO I think they are worried about 2 things. One is saturation again of too much Star trek at one time. A series and a new movie every 2 years. To me it isn’t overkill but they may feel that way. Also if they have it on their digital service they don’t have to give you the viewership numbers or they can spin the

Amazingly enough the German people already knew what they were signing up for with Hitler, he had already written a book that was full of hate and contempt for Jewish people. The problem was IMO, Germany was already chock full of anti-Semites and were A-Ok with Hitler being so against the Jews. Now I don’t think they

It’s more like women worship and I am ok with that :) The girl looks fantastic IMO. I love Cosplay..

I don’t much care what anyone thought, while a bit too many commercials and acknowledging that they did drag it out a wii bit I loved the episode and was stunned when they took out Glen after already killing Abraham. Negan is a great villain and I can’t wait for the next episode. BTW the one state where we have

God I love Dana DeLorenzo

If Abraham was the one Negan killed at the end of last season everyone and I mean everyone would have called it a cop out and the hate would have spewed forth just as much. He wasn’t a core character etc. Especially since they wouldn’t have had that much more groan inducing second death to satiate them. I think the

Please tell at least one :)

For me anyway, the best Bond since Connery by far.

I love reading people online behind their keyboards calling Evel a chicken lol. Have you even watched what that dude used to jump over? The guy broke every bone in his body practically. Did he screw up this jump? Yup.. He still had more balls though than any 100 men..

Pretty insightful post considering they did just that lol

Well trust me the T-Rex is not small, a few adventurers found a totally intact T-Rex skull a month or so ago. The damn thing weighed over 2000 lbs. Think about that for a second, that is one big head.

Did you ever play Return to Zork?

Damn I didn’t know Grace was Meryl’s daughter. She looks so much hotter to me in this show than she did in Extant. I also didn’t realize she was such a good actress, I guess it helps a lot when you have an awesome show-runner and writers.

I thought he was fantastic in the role, pun intended. I really liked his take on the role even if he didn’t have full control of it. He seemed the most alien of all the guys who have played him IMO.

There were a few Next Generation games I really liked, almost as much as 25th anniversary and Judgement Rights. A Final Unity was real good and so was Elite Force and a few others.

I’ll tell you how to fix this franchise. Give it to the guys who did Wolfenstein The New Order/The Old Blood.