Millennial here with a new muscle car. Most people my age love it and the idea of having one, but also can’t afford them. I’m just lucky to be an engineer
Millennial here with a new muscle car. Most people my age love it and the idea of having one, but also can’t afford them. I’m just lucky to be an engineer
DarnToughSocks - lifetime warranty, very soft (depending on which material). These are my go-to socks now after wearing the same generic Hanes for most my life.
DarnToughSocks - lifetime warranty, very soft (depending on which material). These are my go-to socks now after…
Darn Tough makes my favorite sock and include a lifetime warranty. I have one of almost every style. They’re great for everyday use and extreme uses, dry quickly, and have all the other advanced features of almost every other sock, so buy a few pairs and never buy socks again.
Darn Tough makes my favorite sock and include a lifetime warranty. I have one of almost every style. They’re great…
You think they sell many convertibles on Arrakis? I bet once the Fremen experienced a/c, they never wanted another drop top again.
like this?
Marvel Heroes feels like the sequel to Marvel Ultimate Alliance that I always wanted currently. Not sure I want to go back to MUA.
I’ll add that although I think this is rad (and adorable), what we really need is a mini-SNES, ideally one that lets you play/buy any SNES game. I’d pay good money for that.
Lol, the local subaru club has left 4 business cards on my brz in the last couple years.. i also have no desire to ever meet up with them.. too many ‘bros’ and flat brimmed hats for me
Rule #1 of overwatch: ALWAYS vote for yourself.
This looks better than any other current Audi coupe, including the R8.
Nats fan here.
You called?
It really should have been called Bangdango.
I’ve only seen the Bentley Bangdango or whatever it is in SF.
Looking at the damage to the nose, along with the mis-aligned body panels tells that the damage is far worse than the photos lead one to believe.
The header panel is cracked along with the airbox damage, tells me this is worse than the pics show.