
I'm a man of the clock. I keep track of how long things take in traveling and how long it should take. Any variant and I blame/credit the traffic.

I would love to see David Morrissey "reprise" the role of The Doctor! It would also be cool to see Chiwetel Ejiofor be the Time Lord, but I've only seen him in Serenity and Salt. Can he be eccentric, at least to the point of Christopher Eccleston?

Nick really needs to buy his werewolf friend a drink or go golfing and something to actually become friends before he keeps using him for knowledge.

1) David Yates: no. I didn’t like HP5 (though he did do a better job with the last 3 films). They should choose someone who has directed Doctor Who many times and well (Toby Haynes comes to mind, director of episodes 5.12-6.2).

Which actually wasn't that bad, all things considered.

Yes, I figured Haymitch was more bloated.

"Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what it wants." -Mother Teresa

While there are hypocrites that will fully support the death penalty, etc, true pro-lifers should also be supporting the dignity of life outside the womb for all people, which includes not supporting the death penalty.

I agree.

But it would matter to us.

It took until college to see Jurassic Park.

"In any case, given that the "fall of the Eleventh" was teased in the season finale, it's entirely likely that the Doctor's regeneration is a key part of the climax of Moffat's storyline"

It might be good to have a Friday, Nov 4, post as well? For the costumes worn on Halloween and Halloween weekend?

I'm pretty excited for it.

I really need to continue watching Farscape. Such an out of the box show.

Count this as my official approval on another LEGO post on io9!

Can. Not. Wait.

Between this and the endangered-species article with LEGO pictures, I must say: As an avid Adult Fan of LEGO (AFOL), I support more LEGO blogging from io9.

So cool! It's great to see LEGO and LEGO conventions getting blogged by io9!

Choosing four is not enough! I went with John Williams classics and favorites (Star Wars, Indy, HP) and then LotR because those soundtracks are awesome and the main theme is distinguished.