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I advise everyone to watch this incredible series with TotalBiscuit and Jesse Cox. It’s hilarious and perfectly encapsulates what made TB special - sardonic, silly, but aware of how to entertain.

...and clicking a couple of the ads sure could help too (though YouTube might balk)

If anybody is a masochist, mentally dysfunctional lunatic, it’s may very well be the guy writing 1000 word essays on Kinja about how Hello Games is the devil incarnate at 6am.

He campaigned for trump in 2016. His daughter stumps for him every day on the view. He’s a coward, a traitor and he deserves to leave this world knowing it.

Hold up. Is your brother in the Fallujah police force? The criminals he’s fighting every single day are rocking modified ARs and body armor? Homie, I’m in Chicago and a police captain was killed just recently by a felon with a handgun and body armor, but we still don’t see the type of nonsense on display in these

So it’s not just me that thinks he looks like a younger Christopher Lambert?

There’s two points here. First, there’s an internal FBI rule that says that they should refrain from making major announcements or taking major action on cases involving politicians close to elections. That exists to prevent precisely this type of scenario where people might be influenced by such announcements.

I’m honestly not trying to be argumentative, but do you really think so? I feel like Beyonce is just massively popular across all demographics. I know that pretty much all my students (9th grade girls) are obsessed with her.

“One of the president’s greatest achievements will go down as firing James Comey.”

Yeah, if they were uninsured, or even just poorly insured one grand would do nothing at all.

Actually someone needs to shoot him.

This is why workers need Unions with a contract that states their work hours and just compensation for all time worked. No one is indispensable and if employers require 24 hour coverage, they have to pay for it. This is especially true in large corporations.

If we could vote for which 1%er got to rule the world we could do a lot worse?

I have not commented in more than an year, probably. I am, more than probably, in the grays. But I just cannot help myself when it comes to reproductive rights: I grew up in a former communist country where abortion was illegal (for population control purposes) until the regime fell. I know, from my mother and from my

Different people like different things.

This speech embodies why I want nothing to do with anybody who supports Trump.

Imagine being this dumb.

An important distinction is that dogs in Korea are often killed slowly and painfully on purpose. There is a belief that a torturous death makes the meat taste better and be an aphrodisiac via the increased adrenaline and cortisol.

His base is utterly powerless to save him from the FBI.

One of the reasons why I left the profession (I was in print, not TV, for what it’s worth, so at least my shame wasn’t caught on camera) was because I just came to loathe the inhumane ways in which my bosses expected me to treat people. Here’s a prime example: We got a report into the office late one night about a