
This comment, while nicely worded, seems to miss the point of the article entirely. You might be better served by taking your interlocutors more seriously, rather than employing them to take a class (that you presumably teach?), especially when you commit many of the same errors and fallacies for which you chide them.

You seem really upset about this. Why do you suppose that is?

I’m not looking for a conversation; I’m looking to tell you that your understanding of political spectra, ideology, and social movements is childish.

So because something is generalizable, a specific iteration of that thing should never be discussed? Huh?

Hahaha “landscape of ideology.” The spectrum is whatever I think it is in my brain at any given time! Good dead god, you’re dumb.

This is a really good post, and I think you’re right that there is a fundamental and qualitative difference between economic inequality generally and racial inequality. I think it’s absolutely true that addressing the former does not necessarily address the latter. But is it nevertheless fair to say that the two are

“the” spectrum - as if there’s only one. Though, from what you’ve written, that’s probably true; the only spectrum you use seems to exist only in your head.

I see this a lot - this “things aren’t as simple as black and white.” So, OK, what are the criteria by which we are supposed to categorize, rank, and assess the candidates?

Goddamn, but grad students are insufferable.

I did this in April in Las Vegas. Stuck a 20 between my CC and license. I was upgraded to a corner suite and had a bottle of wine waiting for me when I got up there. Neither of us said a word about the cash. My suspicion is that this is a Vegas norm and probably would not work well in other places.

Well, try better to see it, then.

Well that’s entirely wrong.

“I am a liberal...”

It seems the crux here is that there’s a conflation of solid personal financial advice, and the superweird moral preening about Other Peoples’ Lives. People who deploy the second to address the first are not at all helpful.

I've got a lot of debt, but wound up finding a unicorn (i.e. a professorship), so I'm fine. What this article doesn't entertain is that of course student debt is never worth it - all education should be provided free of charge.

Alternatively, agitate to make K-PhD absolutely free under the notion that access to education is a basic human right and not something that should land anyone in debt peonage.

Lifehacker: work more! Always more. Never stop working and in fact always be enjoying all the working or you're a deficient person.

There is no necessary relationship between the rate of unemployment and inflation. What a childish myth that is.

Regardless of the economic argument (which, yikes, many commenters apparently have taken the world's shittiest Econ 101 class - where it's still 1965 and we pretend we know things like the money supply. It's quaint, really), the argument goes beyond that: we need to stop with a politics of pissing on people we think

My heart swells with pride to see my brother, an escort, putting himself between the women getting their health care and these lunatics. And really, Red River Women's Health deserves a lot of credit, always taking the high road, never engaging these anti-choice people.