A far safer idea than the CAMUS automated driving system, which, after a life full of ennui, drives you into a tree.
A far safer idea than the CAMUS automated driving system, which, after a life full of ennui, drives you into a tree.
@TheTheTheTheWhat: "I have only read 3 words of Nietzsche."
@KnightNZ: I highly recommend anything they've put out there. Discovery was one of the best albums of the aughts, I'd argue.
@Cairn Awaits MizJenkins: Here's a rewording from a different vantage point: Unions are designed and intended to make sure the workers get the money they've earned.
@EnochLight: Opiates (including heroin!) were absolutely legal heading into the 20th century. It's hard to fathom living in the 1890s, everybody all strung out.
@worldwidejoe: YES IT IS [www.merriam-webster.com]
@Jackstick: Not I, Caesar, but who knows. All that is only to say that there is quite the abundance of calorie production globally.
@KamWrex: It's not destroyed, its kept in reserve, so that when there are shortages in other areas or crop failures in the near future, they can be released.
Overpopulation is a red herring. The food wasted by the US and EU alone per year would feed 3 billion people 7 meals a day for a year.
@SQ85: Nah, we Marxists are still around. And class consciousness has the added benefit of a wider solidarity!
@Canoehead: Someone doesn't know what the TVA does!
We need a new broadband-focused TVA!
The old bait-and-switch! JM is probably Jose Mijares.
@Paul Balbas: That lawsuit happened around 2003. I got 17 bucks out of the deal.
@Dracoster: You could go with Foucault, who argues that the first social institution was the prison, and all social institutions (schools, workplaces, even the home) are based on that model.
@MadExponent: You're assuming China is communist because it calls itself that? Ted Koppel did a great series called "the Peoples' Republic of Capitalism."
@NorwoodIsMyHero: Where did you get such enlightened insight into the Real Workings of Industry?
The Angels are about to offer him 5 yrs/50 million
@♫ Realityism ♪♫: Let's not then forget the conclusion: capitalism can never solve unemployment crises.
@matruski: In that case, you need to block out some time to familiarize yourself with industrial labor practices in the US. Then it won't seem far-fetched at all.