Son, we live in a world that has video formatting, and that formatting has to be guarded by men with comments. Who’s gonna do it? You?
Son, we live in a world that has video formatting, and that formatting has to be guarded by men with comments. Who’s gonna do it? You?
Fuck this fellow, it’s a straight road in moist conditions. This ass hat is why I can’t get reasonably priced insurance for a roadster and a z4 is dead. Get his chinstrap wearing vape infused brosif back in a subaru where the all wheel drive will keep him in his lane in slightly damp weather.
Can we stop saying stuff like this disregards the laws of physics? THE REASON THIS WORKS IS BECAUSE OF AN IN DEPTH UNDERSTANDING OF THE LAWS OF PHYSICS!
Crexit? Crexit.
Here I was thinking it’s because two more seats had been farted in.
If it weren’t for Forza, maybe he would have learned not to drive so damned fast in the rain.
I had Bluetooth until I got this.
I had Bluetooth until I got this.
Audi’s these days are just scale models of their other car. They design one car and go “WE WILL MAKE ZE CAR SMALLA AND LARGER AND WE ARE ZE GENIUSES”
A spectacular idea everyone else is WRONG
Your misspelling of diesel gives your response zero credibility.
No, the whole thing is awful, from the headlights to the taillights. I appreciate the Prius for what it does, and might consider one if it had a little more room inside, but I wouldn’t be caught dead in this new design. Truly terrible.
so, every nerd will rename it
Dear GM,
I want in and out privileges.
Feel free to arrest your Mom when she crosses the Brooklyn Bridge
Stopped reading at “weight does not matter.”
American Express stickers only give HP to those with good credit
Stickers add horsepower everyone knows that.