
That is one huge POS.

Obviously go for the P4/5... do you have any idea how many LP670-4 SV's I could buy with that?

Top speed? If its anything less than 241mph I'm looking the other way.

More like a Decelero.

@kake81: OEM will always be superior to aftermarket parts... having the extra insurance of guaranteed warrantee is just a bonus to me. Also... look at the big picture... you're buying into the Shelby name... its not JUST a Mustang anymore...

This... or a slightly used Gallardo... hmmmmm

Kid should be sent to juvey hall.

@VetteWrecker: or how about a vasectomy? yayyyy for no pain

About the same for a lousy Taurus.... approx. $55K CDN fully loaded.

If I was there with a friend (in 2 separate cars)... I would have us park parallel to each other on both the front and back of that SUV.... and nicely block him in :D

LOL. That's just epic.

Yes, love living in Toronto. :)

Last time that happened to me, the kid who did it ended up with a black eye. True story.

@LoganSix: A gas crisis doesn't necessarily influence electricity prices though. They are less volatile.

.....or an LP670-4 SV and an M3 cab... hmmmmmmm

.....or an LP670-4 SV and an M3 cab... hmmmmmmm

.....or an LP670-4 SV and an M3 cab... hmmmmmmm

New Yorkers should just instead pretend to feel "threatened" and approach the SUV and remove all that damn camouflage!!