After really enjoying the Legendary trilogy and then Andromedia (its actually a really solid game post launch), I am hella excited to see the series back on track.
It’s because Spiderman was written in the 1960's and 60 year olds looked way older back then. Google image search “people used to look older” for some cool comparisons
It already is! For clarity, that press release, and the accompanying video that’s gone on their YouTube, wasn’t up when I wrote this story.
For me, this is a serious hit to my excitement (I’ve got GamePass, so it’s not like I was going to pay for it anyway) not because of the achievements, but because of the progression. If I can’t ‘move forward’ with the progression system playing solo - which is how I’ll wind up playing most of the game, probably; my…
So you’re saying that, because you don’t actually understand the other person’s feelings and have decided to tell a made up story about them, their reasons must be ridiculous and foolish? That’s fucking stupid as hell, man. You get an F in basic empathy.
No, what’s ridiculous is claiming a game’s ludonarrative dissonance bothered you so much and made you feel so uncomfortable that you felt you had to stop playing it.
Username certainly doesn’t check out in this case.
I personally finish every game I start even if I hate it because I don’t want to be considered a wimp by someone who didn’t think things through very well. I also wake up every day wishing I was dead
I have long believed that Sir Clive was one of the most influential people in gaming history, but seeing the evidence you lay out makes me certain of it, especially when it comes to the European branch of game developers.
Well, now I’m kicking myself for buying the Maneater add-on a few days ago...
i actually agreed with him
I mean, I do think it’s possible for creators to lose track of the original themes and strengths of their work. Ray Bradbury has changed his story of what Fahrenheit 451 is about multiple times, for example, and we’ve seen sequels torpedo overarching concepts despite being by the original creator countless times…
Cool. Let's agree to request that as an *option*. I don't like wasting my time on figuring out basic controls.
I really hope this comes to other consoles, it looks like it’d be right up my alley.
If Legion proved anything to me, it’s that the studio that made Watch Dogs 2 needs to be the only studio that makes Watch Dogs.
Look. Some of us are old now. Those 12+ hour marathons are 20 years in the past. I try that now and all I’m going to accomplish is a blood clot. And folks can snicker, but their day will come. Eventually you won’t give a shit about learning the timing of phase 3 of whatever boss fight you’re stuck at. You’re going to…
Lots of racists are about which is normal for this particular corner of the internet.
I appreciate you saying so. Thank you. I’m glad I was able to help you in some ways recognize and work to correct your biases. While it’s not all I want to do in my time here, it is something important to me, so I’m glad in this small way we’ve succeeded.
Ash, I understand that I’m just a stranger on the internet and this will be an absurdly long comment and you may skip it, it’s fine, I won’t be offended.