Subscribe to Gamercat on taptastic, you get the strips a week early. There’s a link on the gamercat website or if you Google gamercat it’s probably the second result.
Subscribe to Gamercat on taptastic, you get the strips a week early. There’s a link on the gamercat website or if you Google gamercat it’s probably the second result.
Oops wrong person
Oh Pickle, you’re displaying an incredible lack of self-awareness there.
Grammar trolling is pedantry for the unimaginative. Try harder.
The way DC comics have been going over the past few years, it’ll be closer to afterbirth.
I'd see a doctor about that.
Nah, I’m intrigued to see whether there was any point to the date you chose or whether the joke was simply “lol that date meant nothing”.
I've been thinking A since I first heard the rumour.
“there will not be a new Assassin’s Creed game in 2016" because they’re going to release a remake of Rogue for Xbox One and PS4.
It really doesn’t upset me.
It’s when he died, it’s the only thing that I could find for that date.
Well, as you’re playing reading comprehension troll, are you genuinely telling me you think I mentioned the Twin Towers in my comment?
Don’t be silly, those 2 words have been used countless times throughout human history, often as an excuse for whatever atrocity has been carried out in revenge. America doesn’t have exclusivity on those words or on mourning.
The joy of being an adult is that when I pull a sickie people don’t think I’m skiving.
It was never critically demolished. Metacritic review scores are over 90% across all formats.
I’m loving the beta but my main concern is the tone. The game plays great and the dark zone is tense fun but game is so po-faced about everything.
I think you have that the wrong way round. Indie games developers have that luxury because it’s their own money they’re wasting. Jonathan Blow made a ridiculous amount of money from Braid and that’s why he could take so long making this.
In my experience, the people that didn't like the ending of Fable 3 were those who rushed through the game.
Anything but the dolphins, smug bastards
It’s mentioned on the gamercat website. Basically, it helps people publish webcoms and grow their audience. I think it also used to allow fans to donate to the artist.