
Kotaku has always had a mix of fun stuff and proper news, like most News and current affairs sources. Seems a bit of an odd thing to complain about.

I think it was another translation error. What he meant is that fans might feel ashamed they prejudged the outfit by assuming he would have a good reason for it.

Depends on your point of view, you could just be saying that you’re really bad at misogyny.

I think that’s a very broad definition of the term complete game.

I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and presume you don’t know what debut means. It’s the studio’s first game, they’ve been working on it for 2 years, so they haven’t made any money yet.

The word babbage is, without a shadow of doubt, the greatest thing that Scotland has given the world.

Are you kidding? It’s been about 25 years since our mens team has come close to being this good.

Apparently not, accordinh to the article the game is going for a more MOBA business model, so it’s more about buying permanent characters/skins than DLC

Would you care to elaborate as I can’t see a problem with the statement.

Knitting tends to be quicker because it uses less wool. Even then, a granny sitting around doing either could be spending 10+ hours a day at it.

“This is what Sony has become in 2015.”

I gave up on expecting that for Destiny from Kotaku when I realised they only mentioned it so Jason could snark about it.

Lets just change the site to Snacktaku with occasional games.

Well it would explain how the unicorn was stuffed.

No, not at all. I’m slowly typing on a phone whilst watching the telly. I’d have ignored you if it wasn’t for the fact that you’d seemed to go ridiculously off topic so fast.

I said nothing about literacy, I simply implied that you’d hadn’t read the article before commenting.

Didn’t read the article did you?

I get sarcasm. I was using it myself.

Wait, you believe that Palestinian rockets and mortars are being fired at Israel from Rockstar’s HQ? Stop being ridiculous, that doesn’t even make sense.

Rich Burlew